Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Greetings, Earthlings.

Dear Journalman,

I decided, after much deliberation [that holy god, this font is awesome..what font is this? It just says Font. Damn.] that I need to join the ranks of fuzzy lemmings (are they fuzzy?) walking over the cliff of blogdom. My LJ is dead-like, so a fresh start was needed.

This, my friends, is my fresh start. I will use this forum to bequeath unpon you my informed opinions on politics (ha), literature, music, movies, foodstuffs and the nature of God. Also, whatever else comes to my mind. Ponderings and such, if you will.

It took quite some time, roughly two to three rotations of our beautiful little medium-sized planet, for me to select a name that was neither trite nor pretentious nor a liability for future professional employment. Bosoms makes it non-offensive. Trust me. The title was taken from a letter which Jane Austen wrote to one of her relatives regarding her heroine in Pride and Prejudice. She saw Lizzie Bennet as "light, bright and sparkling," which clearly she is.

Anyway, that's all for now, folks. Stay tuned til the next episode.
