Friday, September 7, 2007

First line?

So, I think perhaps the best way to handle NaNoWriMo is to go about it the standard way and just write it in a word document and upload it to NaNoWriMo at various points to check my word count. I'll try to avoid placing myself on a schedule as long as I am making decent progress, but I think I'll also avoid plotting it out like I did last time. I mean, it took me a good 15-20K words just to write my first chapter, so if I plan too much, I won't be able to write any of the actual plot. I would like to try just having a first line like I did 2 years ago and then go from there.

Therefore, I'd like people to suggest a really stellar first line. I'll think about that line in the coming months and hopefully by November, have a sketch in my head of at least where I want to start out given the first line.

I think I may also attempt some writing exercises in this blog once in a while just to give myself a little practice writing fiction, specifically dialogue and such. Maybe I'll even get the hang of it and not get so hung up on dialogue when writing my novel. I'd love to be able to just bang out dialogue easily, even if the dialogue isn't great. I just have a self-editing problem when writing it and can't manage to just write like I can with description and such, I end up analyzing whether a line is good or not, which sucks when speed-writing a novel.

So anyhoo, first lines anyone?


John Barleycorn said...

"The day I won $50,000 off a scratch ticket was the same day my mother's vagina exploded."

John Barleycorn said...

"No matter how hard I scrubbed, I found it impossible to get the dirt out from under my fingernails."

Gidaren-kun said...

I can't do first person. I tried it with my first NaNoWriMo novel and it failed horribly.

John Barleycorn said...

"Jim drank too much on the 4th of July."