Friday, March 30, 2007

Flinging E-Fireballs at Friends

Dear Journalman,

This is the new diversion me and John Barleycorn and I discovered today. The premise is this:

Using only pictures and a brief description of your "turn" in the subject line, you e-mail back a forth a LARP battle. This enables you to use the limitless resources of the internet, tempered only by your imagination and Google-image research skill(z), to send all manner of e-assaults against your e-enemy. (EENEMY?) The true gems of this game come when you acidentally stumble across a website containing a man with a homemade shield whilst searching for "tower shield" on Google.

Honestly, it doesn't get much better than that. Until the next time I play, anyway.

1 comment:

John Barleycorn said...

You sure cast a Level 5 charm spell on me! Titter-titter.